I'd rather you be mean than love and lie
I'd rather hear the truth and have to say goodbye
I'd rather take a blow atleast then I would know
But baby don't you break my heart slow

Mode: Sad & Confused :@

July 11, 2010

Simply Stylish

This is the second Style I like from Selena's and it's one of her hairstyles! Here's the instruction + the picture, Even though for make up, you might have done the make up without the picture, but the picture would be handy for the instruction on the hairstyle! It makes it more easier to understand how Selena has done it!

Simply Stylish

What you need:

• Blow Dryer
• Brush / Comb
• Hair Elastic
• Hairspray / Curling Iron (Only if you prefer)

1. Go hop in the shower and wash your hair
2. Once you have done-dry your hair and heat up your curling iron (if you prefer only)
3. Once your hair is dry use your curling iron and curl your hair to give it loose waves.
4. Part your hair to the right and put it in a low side ponytail. Leave a strand loose on the other side of your head.
5. Then spray your hair with hair spray to finish it of (Only if you prefer)
6. And don’t forget to turn of the curling iron.

Everything Is Not What It Seems...
Have A Good Day Everyone! =)

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