I'd rather you be mean than love and lie
I'd rather hear the truth and have to say goodbye
I'd rather take a blow atleast then I would know
But baby don't you break my heart slow

Mode: Sad & Confused :@

July 11, 2010

Chevy Rocks The Future

Hey There,
It's has been a good!

Well, Let me get to the story; I'm not very obsessed with fashion, I'm just not that kinda girl, but I sure can't stop myself from not looking away when someone dresses so good; from her clothes, to hair and also with perfect make up! As if like a perfect recipe! Well one of the teen stars I love is Selena Gomez, her fashion and dressing style is beyond comparable with stars of this times; Lady Gaga?!?, Keisha?!?, or Vanessa Hudgens?!? I don't think they have what it takes to be said that they have a sense for fashion. Even if they do have a sense for fashion,I don't think so, that we can still follow them or try wearing like them! Going to school with an eye-patch is not in my list! & I'm not going to wake up from the bath tub either!!

Well, I like two of her favourite make up style which I uploaded here with the instruction + the picture, so you can clearly understand what the instructions state... ( The second picture with the instructions ; I will be posting it later!)

Chevy Rocks The Future

Things you need:

• Foundation
• Concealer Pen
• Mascara
• Eyeliner (Rolley Pen)
• Rosy Pink Lip Gloss
• Light Blush

Step 1: First thing you need to do, is wash your face with warm/ hot water with non animal tested soap. Once you have washed your face, use cold water to close your poses so when you apply make-up your pores don’t fill up with makeup and cause acne.

Step 2: Take your concealer pen to cover up and or acne that may be visible blemishes.
Step 3: Choose a foundation that is no more than to shades from your original skin tone. Apply your foundation evenly and make sure to blend it in with your neckline, jaw line, hairline. Use a foundation sponge to get rid of the chomps.

Step 4: When you are done applying your foundation, add some eyeliner to your bottom eyelid carefully starting from the lash line to the end of your eye. Don’t apply to much, be careful not to ruin your foundation.

Step 5: Then apply a small amount of eyeliner on your top lash line, and then use your smudge tool with your eyeliner to make a grayish eye shadow-look (most rolley pen eyeliner have this). If your eyeliner doesn’t have this, then take a grey or light black eye shadow and apply it to your top eyelid only.

Step 6: Apply a light coat of mascara on your top eyelashes only.

Step 7: Apply a very light amount of blush to your check bones. It is obvious Selena did not use a heavy amount, so do the same.

Step 8: For the last step, apply some rosy pink lip gloss to your lips don’t apply to much or too little, but just enough. Use a piece of toilet paper or a napkin and blot on your lip gloss won’t get on your teeth.

(Thanks to Brittany for this guide)

Good Day Everyone!!! =)

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