I'd rather you be mean than love and lie
I'd rather hear the truth and have to say goodbye
I'd rather take a blow atleast then I would know
But baby don't you break my heart slow

Mode: Sad & Confused :@

July 21, 2010

MukaBuku Status!

Hey There!
" Now who doesn't have facebook? " That's the new question for the season...
Facebook, created by (not much people know who) is now being very famous! kids little as 7 and 8 has a facebook account and once I heard a story about my elder brother's friend; she created a facebook account for her baby which was yet to be born!! Now digest that.... while some would want to get in touch with their old friends, while some just want to waste their time and while people like me would want to have a facebook account to keep in touch with my family who are staying far away (across the borders; in a different country ) from us and also to spend some time when I'm bored! =)

& while in facebook, we would upload pictures, tag our friends, post wall posts, comments, play games such as Farm ville, Mafia wars and so on, tag our friends and the post common is posting status!

Have you ever came through friends, whose facebook status updates are really funny and quite interesting in a way, Here is some of the status you can simply apply to make not only your day but other's day as well and this status sure will have your wall filled with post and comments and likes!

Here are some of my favourites that I would like to apply:
(which I had applied too and had good feed backs!)
  • a day late and a dollar short
  • If I'm not back in five minutes... wait longer!"
  • Ladies and gentlemen, can I please have your attention.I've just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story. I need all of you, to stop what you're doing and listen. Cannonball
  • It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. 
  • Simon said says. Who is Simon?
  • It's raining cats and elephants
  • wants you to recycle your facebook page
  • bite, wipe and gloss!
  • I don't care what you think. It's what you're not thinking that scares me
  • :: says its been raining for 12hrs 10mins and 3 secs but who's really counting?
  • Read between the statuses. Forget the lines!!
  • So you know what's scary? I just added the squirrel I met today on Facebook.
  •  I don't care what you say about me. It's what you're not saying that I care about
  • :: Nobody said it was going to be easy but they didn't mention it was going to be this hard.
  • :: How do we know it's not what we think it is?
  • It's not wrong to tell people what you think but you should always start it off with an "I" statement.........like......I think you're dumb.
  • Has anyone seen cupid?
  • Sometimes wishes do come true.
  • “When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain"

& before I finish this post here's something!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark


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