I'd rather you be mean than love and lie
I'd rather hear the truth and have to say goodbye
I'd rather take a blow atleast then I would know
But baby don't you break my heart slow

Mode: Sad & Confused :@

July 21, 2010

MukaBuku Status!

Hey There!
" Now who doesn't have facebook? " That's the new question for the season...
Facebook, created by (not much people know who) is now being very famous! kids little as 7 and 8 has a facebook account and once I heard a story about my elder brother's friend; she created a facebook account for her baby which was yet to be born!! Now digest that.... while some would want to get in touch with their old friends, while some just want to waste their time and while people like me would want to have a facebook account to keep in touch with my family who are staying far away (across the borders; in a different country ) from us and also to spend some time when I'm bored! =)

& while in facebook, we would upload pictures, tag our friends, post wall posts, comments, play games such as Farm ville, Mafia wars and so on, tag our friends and the post common is posting status!

Have you ever came through friends, whose facebook status updates are really funny and quite interesting in a way, Here is some of the status you can simply apply to make not only your day but other's day as well and this status sure will have your wall filled with post and comments and likes!

Here are some of my favourites that I would like to apply:
(which I had applied too and had good feed backs!)
  • a day late and a dollar short
  • If I'm not back in five minutes... wait longer!"
  • Ladies and gentlemen, can I please have your attention.I've just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story. I need all of you, to stop what you're doing and listen. Cannonball
  • It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. 
  • Simon said says. Who is Simon?
  • It's raining cats and elephants
  • wants you to recycle your facebook page
  • bite, wipe and gloss!
  • I don't care what you think. It's what you're not thinking that scares me
  • :: says its been raining for 12hrs 10mins and 3 secs but who's really counting?
  • Read between the statuses. Forget the lines!!
  • So you know what's scary? I just added the squirrel I met today on Facebook.
  •  I don't care what you say about me. It's what you're not saying that I care about
  • :: Nobody said it was going to be easy but they didn't mention it was going to be this hard.
  • :: How do we know it's not what we think it is?
  • It's not wrong to tell people what you think but you should always start it off with an "I" statement.........like......I think you're dumb.
  • Has anyone seen cupid?
  • Sometimes wishes do come true.
  • “When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain"

& before I finish this post here's something!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark


July 17, 2010

For Girls By A Girl!

Dear Diary,

All this time when I was just a little 8 year old girl, nothing felt much meaningful, even the fact that I'm a girl ever made any sense and nothing I cared. But I guess as we grow up, we learn a lot of things and one of those things is that being fully-satisficted in being girl, a young-lady, a soon-to-be woman. Teenagers around the world seek for help on their daily-basis by surfing the internet, and when you do that you wouldn't want to really get in and stuck with the bad company and to be led the wrong road!

I love surfing the internet and when my dad installed the internet in our house, I was so eager to look up on all the great websites for girls out there and I have found some very intersting sites and some very useful and very helpful sites along the years!

I have listed some of the site, and about them. THE BEST OF ALL TIME - is the website I think is really the best and that you SHOULD visit without hesitating. SOME OF MY FAVOURITE$ - Is collection of some of my favourite websites which you can love too, but it depends on what kind of girl and what kind of thinking you hold.WORTH-VISITING - I guess the title speaks for itself, these website are worth visiting and give it a shot, you won't die! (believe me!!).  YOU CAN CHECK IT OUT WHEN YOU'RE REALLY FREE! (No Need To Rush) ; You don't really have to visit these site, I just came through it, but never thought they were very interesting or helpful in any ways. But maybe you may find it interesting rather than me!

The Best Of All Time;

Girls Inc
Girls Incorporated is a national non-profit youth organization dedicated to inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. With roots dating to 1864, Girls Inc has provided vital educational programs to millions of American girls, particularly those in high-risk, underserved areas. Today, innovative programs help girls confront subtle societal messages about their value and potential, and prepare them to lead successful, independent, and fulfilling lives.

Being Girl
Get all the information, advice and tips you need about being a teenage girl; including body changes, friendships, family, boys, beauty, quizzes and more. And you can choose the website depending on the country you live in.

Go Girls Only
Girls Only is a fun and exciting. Web site for girls 5-12. Brought to you by Girl Scouts of the USA, the site is a safe place for girls to play games, take quizzes, ask questions, share their favorite stories, or send e-cards to friends and family. Updated regularly and designed with girls' interests in mind, Girls Only gives girls a chance to express themselves and explore new ideas in a secure, fun environment.Provides ideas for celebrating the role women have played in history and encourages girls to see their own potential.

Some Of My Favourites;

A Girl's World
A Girl's World is an award winning magazine written and edited by girls and teens from around the world. Our leading online community for preteen and teen.

Girls Life
Girls' Life magazine and girlslife.com offers up-to-date advice for tween and teen girls on the latest fashion and beauty, music, movie, TV and celebrity & most importantly LIFE!

Worth Visiting;

Become part of a fashion community, enjoy dress up games, create your own fashions and communicate safely via notes

gURL.com, A teen site and community for teenage girls. gURL.com takes a different approach to the experience of being a teen girl with interactive message boards, games, quizzes, expert advice for teen issues, and many more!

Seveteen / Cosmogirl / Teenmag

You Can Check It Out When You're Really Free! (No Need To Rush) ;

ELLEgirl.com is the premier destination for teens with a passion for fashion, beauty and entertainment. Learn about the latest style trends, beauty news and much more!

An interesting Australian girls' website which has a comprehensive section about career and frequently update interviews.

Homemade - Beauty Secrets

Hye There,
Homemade - Beauty Secrets! <3

The characterization of a person as “beautiful”, whether on an individual basis or by community consensus, is often based on some combination of Inner Beauty, which includes psychological factors such as personality, intelligence, grace, politeness, charisma, integrity, congruence and elegance, and Outer Beauty, (i.e. physical attractiveness) which includes physical factors, such as health, youthfulness, facial symmetry, averageness, and complexion.

Standards of beauty are always evolving, based on what a culture considers valuable. Historical paintings show a wide range of different standards for beauty. However, humans who are relatively young, with smooth skin, well-proportioned bodies, and regular features, have traditionally been considered to be the most beautiful throughout history.

With this in mind, I guess now days having a flawless and smooth skin is the key to success in attaining beauty. With air pollutions and so on, skins are affected so badly and is needed more care than ever before. And as we grow our skin becomes less healthier (because we may stress to much), but still we can keep them fit as a fiddle with some help of the natural ingredients.

Here are some of the things you may use to help your skin glow!. I have been trying all these rather than picking up a cosmetic worth 100 dollars to make things right! and for my amusement they sure do help!
All home-made and easy to apply!

1 - Tropical Citrus Mask

Tropical fruits aren't just for making fruit juice. They have amazing cleansing capabilities and they smell great!


• 1 ripe banana
• 1 teaspoon olive oil
• 1 drop orange essential oil


Start by mixing together the banana, olive oil and orange oil. Smooth the mixture onto your face and leave it there for about 15-20 minutes. When you're ready, rinse it off with lukewarm water, and then apply a moisturizer.

For a less messy application, you can use cheesecloth to cover your face before using the mask. Just make sure to cut out holes for your eyes and mouth.

2 - Rosewater Facial Toner

Rosewater is a great astringent and will keep your skin clean and smelling beautiful.


• 1 cup rose petals
• 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
• 1 1/2 cups water


Once you've collected all those rose petals, simmer them in water for 10 minutes, and then strain. Add rubbing alcohol. Pour into an old shampoo bottle or soap bottle. To use, simply squirt some rosewater on a cotton ball and dab on face.

The rubbing alcohol is optional, but it helps to preserve the toner once you've made it. It will last for about a week in the fridge without the alcohol, and two weeks with it.

3 - Oatmeal Blueberry Mask

This mask works particularly well if your skin is oily, but it's also great for a deep clean. You'll only need to use it once or twice a month.


• 1 cup dry oatmeal
• 1 cup blueberries
• 1 tablespoon honey
• 5-6 almonds, whole


Use a blender to puree the ingredients together. Once the mixture is ready, spread it on your face, and then let it dry for 10-15 minutes. After you take it off, make sure to rinse your face with warm water, and then splash on some cooler water, or even toner. As long as you keep it tightly covered, you can store this mask in your fridge for up to a week.

July 11, 2010

A Mother's Love!

Here's some pictures I had of mothers! The drawings are all very beautiful!
Do you have a mother, then your blessed!
Good Day Everyone! =)


Srimati Radharani

Srimati Radharani has twenty-five transcendental qualities, and She can control even Krsna by them. Her transcendental qualities are as follows:

[Srimati Radharani in Hungary]
1. She is sweetness personified

2. She is a fresh young girl

3. Her eyes are always moving

4. She is always brightly smiling

5. She possesses all auspicious marks on her body

6. She can agitate Krishna by the flavor of Her person

7. She is expert in the art of singing

8. She can speak very nicely and sweetly

9. She is expert in presenting feminine attractions

10. She is modest and gentle

11. She is always very merciful

12. She is transcendentally cunning

13. She knows how to dress nicely

14. She is always shy

15. She is always respectful

16. She is always patient

17. She is very grave

18. She is enjoyed by Krishna

19. She is situated on the highest devotional platform

20. She is the abode of love of the residents of Gokula

21. She can give shelter to all kinds of devotees

22. She is always affectionate to superiors and inferiors

23. She is always obliged by the dealings of Her associates

24. She is the greatest amongst Krishna's girlfriends

25. She always keeps Krishna under Her control

Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Chapter 14
Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.

(p.s; I do not own any of the pictures, copyright to all rightful owners)

Girlfriend’s Rule

Girlfriend’s Rule

Female bonding is never more powerful than when you’re a teen! Like food and water, friendships are a basic need -- a mandatory component to a girl’s happiness. So how can you safeguard your most important friendship? Here are some suggestions for keeping this bond kickin’ for the long haul!

1. Show you appreciate her Surprise her now and then with her favorite candy bar or magazine (it can even be a book she loves). Invite her to join your family when you’re doing something fun. Send her a ridiculously mushy friendship card … just because.

2. Listen when she talks She’s there for you when you’re down and never says, “You told me that already,” even if you have. Be there for her in the same way. Ask questions to show her you want details.

3. Put the friendship first Don’t blow your best friend off for people who might not be around forever. That includes the cute guy who asked you to his game when you promised you’d help her with her 16th b-day. Or the popular girl who invited you over Friday night after you and your BFF already made plans.

4. Keep her secrets Don’t ever betray her trust. Never spill anything she confides in you, unless it’s something that may put her in harm’s way. An example? If you know she’s been purging her lunch, you’re a good friend to tell a parent she needs help.

5. Always have her back Stand up for her, whether she’s around or not. She needs to know she can count on you to be on her side. If you happen to disagree with how she handles a particular situation, tell her -- but in private.

6. Let her know when you’re upset with her Work out problems rather than ignoring them. Anger and resentment build up when unexpressed. Don’t attack, just calmly tell her how you feel and why.

7. Apologize when you’re wrong Don’t get defensive. Instead, learn to accept who she is and not expect her to always agree with your view on things. Keep this in mind: It’s better to lose the fight than the friend.

While guys have friends to do stuff with, girls share their lives with their friends on an intimate level. These relationships are strong enough to raise self-esteem, battle peer pressure and genuinely last … forever. How lucky are we?!?

Relationship Tip

The Science of Friendships

You can’t form a bud bond in a test tube, but here’s what some recent scientific research on friendships has turned up:

• Females seek out friendships when stressed, and it has to do with brain chemistry and hormones. That’s why males react in the opposite way and prefer to be alone when under stress.

• Friendships are important, even in old age. A recent study found that senior citizens who have an active social life experience memory loss at a slower rate. Remember that!

A Tip from a Friend from Girlsense

Once I asked a friend on how to wear make up as I never had any experience and a girl from the website Girlsense send me a messege giving me advice on how to wear the make up. She told me step by step. It seemed really helpful....

Sorry I haven't got to you earlier. I was like so busy. I think the best place to start is with eye shadow. I would say start light. Work on making your eyes stand out. But don't load on the make up. When too much make up is applied it looks bad. I would start with one color first. Apply that and once you do that put on eye liner start from the middle on the eye to the edge that faces your ear. If your parents won't let you use eye liner I figured out that if you use dark shadow it could pass for liner. Once you’re done then apply the mascara. Start toward your eye then move outwards. Now that was just the eyes there are way more to do to look awesome. Like blush. Put on blush that is close to your skin tone. Start at your upper bone then go down to the cheek. Then last the lips. The lips are simple, just apple some gloss and then you’ll look awesome!!

Messege for Beginners!
Good Luck! ;)

Simply Stylish

This is the second Style I like from Selena's and it's one of her hairstyles! Here's the instruction + the picture, Even though for make up, you might have done the make up without the picture, but the picture would be handy for the instruction on the hairstyle! It makes it more easier to understand how Selena has done it!

Simply Stylish

What you need:

• Blow Dryer
• Brush / Comb
• Hair Elastic
• Hairspray / Curling Iron (Only if you prefer)

1. Go hop in the shower and wash your hair
2. Once you have done-dry your hair and heat up your curling iron (if you prefer only)
3. Once your hair is dry use your curling iron and curl your hair to give it loose waves.
4. Part your hair to the right and put it in a low side ponytail. Leave a strand loose on the other side of your head.
5. Then spray your hair with hair spray to finish it of (Only if you prefer)
6. And don’t forget to turn of the curling iron.

Everything Is Not What It Seems...
Have A Good Day Everyone! =)

Chevy Rocks The Future

Hey There,
It's has been a good!

Well, Let me get to the story; I'm not very obsessed with fashion, I'm just not that kinda girl, but I sure can't stop myself from not looking away when someone dresses so good; from her clothes, to hair and also with perfect make up! As if like a perfect recipe! Well one of the teen stars I love is Selena Gomez, her fashion and dressing style is beyond comparable with stars of this times; Lady Gaga?!?, Keisha?!?, or Vanessa Hudgens?!? I don't think they have what it takes to be said that they have a sense for fashion. Even if they do have a sense for fashion,I don't think so, that we can still follow them or try wearing like them! Going to school with an eye-patch is not in my list! & I'm not going to wake up from the bath tub either!!

Well, I like two of her favourite make up style which I uploaded here with the instruction + the picture, so you can clearly understand what the instructions state... ( The second picture with the instructions ; I will be posting it later!)

Chevy Rocks The Future

Things you need:

• Foundation
• Concealer Pen
• Mascara
• Eyeliner (Rolley Pen)
• Rosy Pink Lip Gloss
• Light Blush

Step 1: First thing you need to do, is wash your face with warm/ hot water with non animal tested soap. Once you have washed your face, use cold water to close your poses so when you apply make-up your pores don’t fill up with makeup and cause acne.

Step 2: Take your concealer pen to cover up and or acne that may be visible blemishes.
Step 3: Choose a foundation that is no more than to shades from your original skin tone. Apply your foundation evenly and make sure to blend it in with your neckline, jaw line, hairline. Use a foundation sponge to get rid of the chomps.

Step 4: When you are done applying your foundation, add some eyeliner to your bottom eyelid carefully starting from the lash line to the end of your eye. Don’t apply to much, be careful not to ruin your foundation.

Step 5: Then apply a small amount of eyeliner on your top lash line, and then use your smudge tool with your eyeliner to make a grayish eye shadow-look (most rolley pen eyeliner have this). If your eyeliner doesn’t have this, then take a grey or light black eye shadow and apply it to your top eyelid only.

Step 6: Apply a light coat of mascara on your top eyelashes only.

Step 7: Apply a very light amount of blush to your check bones. It is obvious Selena did not use a heavy amount, so do the same.

Step 8: For the last step, apply some rosy pink lip gloss to your lips don’t apply to much or too little, but just enough. Use a piece of toilet paper or a napkin and blot on your lip gloss won’t get on your teeth.

(Thanks to Brittany for this guide)

Good Day Everyone!!! =)