I'd rather you be mean than love and lie
I'd rather hear the truth and have to say goodbye
I'd rather take a blow atleast then I would know
But baby don't you break my heart slow

Mode: Sad & Confused :@

February 4, 2011

I'm Sorry!

This is crazyyyyy ?!?
6 words, can really hurt ?!?
If this doesn't touch you, you're heartless! (Don't take it personally, some people like those girls "Plastics" in Mean Girls don't have that organ too, but they don't seem to mind...right?)

Well, back to the story....

One night a boy and a girl were driving home after the movies.The boy sensed there was something wrong because of the painful silence they shared between them

The girl then asked the boy to pull over because she wanted to talk. She told him that her feeling changed and that it was time to move on. A silent tear slid down his cheek as he slowly reached into his pocket and passed her a folded note.

At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down that very same street. He drove into the driver's seat, killing the boy. Miraculously, the girl survived.

Remembering the note, she pulled it out and read it. It said . . .  " without your love, I would die "

Cool huh . . . It's true how words can hurt a beautifully good heart, So think before you talk because it may hurt the heart that loves you for life.

I know I have hurt the one person who loves me dearly and I have turned by back thinking it was nothing I wanted in my life, until one day when I realised it was the only thing I have ever wanted and needed in my life.

I made a worse and stupid decision that day which is still haunting me to this day even though the lips says it has all been forgotten. I know that the words can't be taken back. So for now in this very moment, there's only one thing I can beg for, so I say . . . .

I'm Sorry . . . . . . 

and wait patiently for your forgiveness to come around.

February 2, 2011



HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! I wish to all my Chinese friends and the non-Chinese ones as well because we are Orang Malaysia! Let's hope for the 1Malaysia spirit to kick off this Chinese New Year! I'm actually planning to go to one of our Chinese friend's house this year.

Once I remember, I along with my classmates we went to a Chinese friend's house, her name was Leow Meng Choo. It's been quite some time since I've seen her. Anyway that day, we went to her house and her mother served us some food and drink, I couldn't eat much of it as I am a vegetarian. so I warmly received the drink. After which we all gathered with her cousins and played games, I couldn't undersand most of the words coming out of their mouths but they received us very well, and we had a fun filled day.

We even played with lantern that night, My mom bought me a lantern shapped of a fish and for my sister, I think it was a snake, I'm not quite sure, I forgot a lot because it was so long ago. My dad bought a lot of oranges and even our neighbours handed us boxes of oranges.

Before leaving, Meng Choo took us to meet her grandmother, who was on her wheelchair, we greeted her and she handed us each Ang pows! each containing, I forgot the sum. Well, the thought that counts! right!

The whole day was so nice, it was nice to actually celebrate a festival, which was not even in your tradision, yet feel the overwhelming urge to celebrate it!

I hope Chinese New Year is a day, you all have fun as well, Let's face it, Chinese New Year is the time of  year you get to eat as much of oranges as you desire and get the chance to increase your savings.

Hope this Chinese New Year brings you lot's of shining lucks, wealth in abundance, never -ending happiness, and plenty of smiles to last forever!

