*1Malaysia - Is It Possible ?*
Hey there fellow Malaysian...
It is a great moring today, the sky is clear and everythings going well, just the fact that I won't be going anywhere for my holidays is breaking my heart & that's nt all that breaks my heart....1Malaysia - "People First. Performance Now". Do you think it's possible ? Well as far as i think, it is possible if all of us ( Malaysian ) get together with faith and hope to create a great country. As I was surfing the net one day, I went to facebook as usual and was updating my group & that's when I came across this group - "No Races, Just Malaysians" I insitantly became a member as I thought that was a great group to be formered. There was a post by a member who have written the words "1malaysia is it possible ? Well i dn't think so...". and as I scrolled down I saw many post and comments saying that it is not possible and there were a lot of negative posts & comments. I just can't seem to understand why people can't believe that this can really happen.
Like come on, Im just 15, but I believe that can happen and all it needs is the teamwork from our citizens. Malaysia is great country, with so many races and differences, it is awesome to see them all going ot the same school and being friends without seeing the difference in eachother, now that's what Im talking about. 52 years of indepentant and Malaysia still seems to stand tall among the other countries around th world & I know it will always be!. I just hope & wish that people would stop thier negative thought flowing and start to think of the good things that can happen from the logo of ours - 1Malaysia.... We are Malaysian and if Malaysia boleh! then Raykat Malaysia pun Boleh ! With those last words Im endng this post.... I would like some comments about what you think of my post & camp; 1malaysia ... Is It Possible ? ( Yes, It Is!!!!)
Like come on, Im just 15, but I believe that can happen and all it needs is the teamwork from our citizens. Malaysia is great country, with so many races and differences, it is awesome to see them all going ot the same school and being friends without seeing the difference in eachother, now that's what Im talking about. 52 years of indepentant and Malaysia still seems to stand tall among the other countries around th world & I know it will always be!. I just hope & wish that people would stop thier negative thought flowing and start to think of the good things that can happen from the logo of ours - 1Malaysia.... We are Malaysian and if Malaysia boleh! then Raykat Malaysia pun Boleh ! With those last words Im endng this post.... I would like some comments about what you think of my post & camp; 1malaysia ... Is It Possible ? ( Yes, It Is!!!!)
1Malaysia - "People First. Performance Now"
1Malaysia - "Rakyat Didahulukan.Pencapaian Diutamakan"
1Malaysia - "Rakyat Didahulukan.Pencapaian Diutamakan"